Robo-driven investment portfolio optimizer to facilitate hands-on portfolio construction and drive best fitted asset allocation and investment decisions. Maximize engagement and eliminate uninformed decisions.
Combine Portfolio Robo-Assist with other Fermion Wealth API services and unleash richer experiences such as getting risk-return suggestions that can be auto-implemented upon consent to effect a new optimal investment portfolio and projected outcome on the priorities.
Get straight into business with investment-linked insurance and pure investment portfolios optimally configured-to-go.
Generate re-balancing options for under/over-risked portfolios or re-calibrate portfolios when customer changes goals or risk appetite
Handpick funds and investment products with fund finder and get the portfolio parameters auto-calculated. Works vice-versa too.
Use the portfolio parameter calculators and smart heuristic insights to provide the feedback loop and tackle overconfidence bias and herd mentality
Most customers’ insurance and investment portfolios remain static over time despite changes in priorities. Use the Investment Optimizer and Portfolio Robo-Assist together to determine the budget re-allocation and the new re-optimized investment portfolio for the new future.
Advisors and customers have their opinions about the choice of funds, allocation or expected returns. Show the impact on the anticipated volatility and their goals. Let them personalize and help them optimize – better yet, use together with Investment Optimizer for the ultimate personalized investment and insurance optimization.